Life as open ended inquiry

I was asked to write my autobiography a few times, like when I joined the diamond approach, where I focused on my relationship to meditation. And in enneagram studies, where I focused more on shadow and formative events.

In this page I am recapitulating education and the lack of it, what was missing in the ecosystem where I was born, which is what I became. By the way, that is the crunch of learning.

I became the freedom my ancestors did not have.

In the book A New History of Humanity, we find a sacred inquiry into freedom. The word freedom comes from the same root as friend and peace! There are three basic freedoms: to relocate, disobey orders, and rearrange social connections.

If you are reading me now, you are probably in this small part of the world where relative freedom still applies. And where many believe that spiritual liberation can happen without living freedom.

When I was 20, my parents said: Take money, go wherever you like, and do whatever you like!

I think it is because they came from a very long war, and although they lost the civil war to America and England, they still had won a place in civil society, with all its privileges.

My parents and grandparents are my comrades in the war for humanity. And of course my beautiful brother. With his death in 2011, the same year when Ellas lost the civil war again, he gave me the most important lesson of my life: Go to places you like, with people you like, and do the things you like!

I didn't do anything so wild! I lived for 20 years in Greece, then for 20 years in London, 20 years in Holland, and now I live for the last 5 years in Norway.

Is this a choice or some kind of pattern?

Our story changes through its relationship to..who is weaving the story... in this case, life, necessity, the divine mystery.  Definitely not me. My friends who study astrology tell me that my 5 planets in Virgo mean that I live to learn and that Virgo means virgin nature, what we nowadays call biodiversity. In my books that means the relationship between humanity, the earth with its moon, and the sun, which we had, and lost. And found.

Enough about me

What about you?  Us? Are we in the same boat? Is it a rescue boat, or is it the Titanic sinking? Or has it sunk already long ago, the orchestra still playing in a virtual world? More and more we become rescue boats and we become medicine for the human condition. No one can do it alone, and no one will do it for us.

We are waking up, and waking each other up and out of uniformity, and repetition. Out of the myth of normality of Gabor Mate, and into the islands of sanity of Margaret Wheatley. Out of war into peace, out of hell into paradise, out of dominance into sovereignty, whatever our next step is, we are getting ready to take it together. 

Working together can happen when we come unstuck, and that is where we begin. We have enough teachers, and everything has already been said, but not yet done. We are practicing choice,  honesty, co-regulation, care for all and all, connecting, discussion leading to action, a lot of patience, creativity, kindness, generosity, and above all gratefulness for all we are and all that made us

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