Living with the seasons: Inquiries in universal medicine

What is the same in all healing traditions? That which made us heals us: Healing comes from the Unified field, the spiritual, and collective dimension, from nature. We tune into each resonance with a focus on the emotion and its inherent quality and function. This is a teaching by direct transmission with nature, that both touches us personally and intimately while opening us to the collective and universal body, heart, and mind.

Neurolinguistic Alignment. From programming to Grace.

My communications teacher, Ariel Fox, after decades of teaching negotiation skills at University, was shaken by the Twin Tower collapse. She realized that the skills we had been developing could be used for good, or bad!

What guides us in faith? To the certainty of our place and functioning? We are applying the same strategies of reframing, planning, modeling, goal setting, and effective communication, to defragment ourselves and our communities, and act in alignment with ecological systems.

Trauma informed acupuncture

My communications teacher, Ariel Fox, after decades of teaching negotiation skills at University, was shaken by the Twin Tower collapse. She realized that the skills we had been developing could be used for good, or bad!

What guides us in faith? To the certainty of our place and functioning? We are applying the same strategies of reframing, planning, modeling, goal setting, and effective communication, to defragment ourselves and our communities, and act in alignment with ecological systems.

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